I have been an enthusiastic motorcycle rider since 1996. I love motorcycles! My goal is to keep you informed and up to date about all things motorcycle. This includes, performance clothing, leisure clothing, boots, helmets, luggage, bike accessories and new performance technologies. I will also share gift and holiday ideas for the biker themed party, including birthday and wedding ideas. In fact, there are so many things to share with you that you will just have to keep checking back to see what new and exciting things I come up with! I am a middle aged wife, mother, grandmother and an avid motorcycle rider. So, therefore, all things motorcycle are fascinating in my world. My other interests include camping, fishing, cooking and pets.


My ideal weekend get-away would be to grab our camping and fishing gear and load up the Harley's.  We would partake of a long and winding mountain ride to a picturesque lake, where we would meet up with family and friends.

The tents would be need to be pitched, the campfire lit, and some beverages poured. A group effort in meal preparation commences, with tasty results. There is nothing better than a communal meal in the great outdoors. An evening spent socializing and laughing would top up the day. We carry on until the fire dies down and its time for bed.

The next day when we crawl out of the tents, we would eat a hearty breakfast with tons of campfire coffee. Then a stroll to the lakes edge to fish. A shore lunch consisting of pan-fried trout would be oh, so satisfying. Afternoon activities would consist of fun and games with the kids and a refreshing swim.  Then back to camp for hot dogs and s'mores over the camp fire.

The next day, we would pack up the motorcycles, make our farewells, and head out on the highway again. Of course we would pick a different route to meander our way home. Cruising, with our hearts full and our batteries re-charged.